The Bible is the book of books, the inspired Word of God and the only road map to heaven. Its diligent study will bring the truth into your soul, and will lead you to abundant life for today and the blessed hope of eternal life in the hereafter.
“Thy word is a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” (Psalm 119:105)
“THESE LAST DAYS” Bible Study Course covers current issues, Bible stories, parables, end-time prophecies and many other great Bible themes. These Bible lessons are specially designed to give you an in-depth understanding of God’s Holy Word and teach you how to have a more intimate and lasting relationship with Jesus Christ; may they bring their holy principles into your life.
To begin the 32 lesson course simply start with lesson 1, read each question and fill in the answers using a KJV Bible.
After completing the lesson click the “Yes, this is my final submission. Please review my answers,” then click the “Submit” button. Upon receiving and grading your lesson we will return it to you for your review and to keep for future reference.
If you’d like to pause and resume the study at a later time, click the “No, I am submitting this to save my progress,” button at the end of the study, then click “Submit.” A copy of your responses will automatically be emailed to the address you provided and you may return to it by clicking the “edit my response” link in the email.
5) Preview of the Coming Age
6) Invisible Forces Behind the Scenes: A Study of Angels
7) You Can Be a New Person!
8) You Can Be a Friend of God!
9) What Happens to People When They Die?
10) What Is a Soul?
11) The Secret of Immortality
12) Questions on Hell
13) The Mystery of Godliness
14) The World's Greatest Time Prophecy
15) Revelation Unseals Daniel's Prophecy
16) The Cleansing of the Sanctuary
17) How to Give Your Heart to Christ
18) The Treasure in the Temple
19) Remember Now thy Creator
20) God's Commandment Remains Unchanged
21) Winds, Waves, and Beasts from the Sea
22) The Beast of Revelation 13
23) The Sign of Loyalty
24) A Day to Remember
25) God's Claim Upon Your Body
26) The Christian and the World
27) Recognizing God's Ownership
28) God's Special People
29) The Spirit of Prophecy
30) Testing the Gifts
31) When All Religions Unite
32) When You Hear His Voice